Year: 2023

Make It Work – DLO

Task Description: Talofa lava,malo e lelei. This is my group The squad and our leader for the group is Te-Hemara. What my group has been building was a mini basketball hoop for the little ones to play or to use. This is Te-hemara, Arcauis, Me (Rex) and Tony. Every week we have to write about how the group was going and were we are at.1st we had to plan how it going to look like and what colour it gonna be and we chose red and black. 2nd we had to do prototec it to what it gonna look like. 3rd we finished with our prototec. now we get a piece of wood and tony drew the out lines. and then we finished drawing we started cutting it out. now we design it and then we paint it. we finished the hoop. I think that my group has been working hard and together to make our mini basketball hoop.

Fit for Purpose DLO

This week Team 5 were doing an animation about this week’s theme, ‘Fir for Purpose’. My animation is pretty short, because I have been drawing really slow and that I really wanted to finish this. So that my teacher ‘Mr Moran’ can mark it! Anyways, hope you enjoy all my details in this animation folks.